BNG: what’s happened and what’s coming next
An article from DEFRA highlighting the journey of Biodiversity Net Gain so far and what is yet to come. Their analogy, comparing BNG to a baby elephant, is spot on - it's a substantial endeavour that requires collective nurturing for growth.
Here are some key takeaways:
Important Dates: BNG's phased introduction begins in November 2023 for major developments. Small sites get more time until April 2024, and nationally significant infrastructure projects are anticipated by 2025. This gradual approach allows stakeholders to adapt to the requirements and learn from early adopters.
What's Been Accomplished So Far:
▪️ Released Government responses to BNG consultation on regulations and implementation.
▪️ Unveiled guidance for land managers and developers, explaining actions and contributions towards BNG.
▪️ Committed £16 million funding for Local Planning Authorities (LPAs).
▪️ Introduced Metric 4.0 by Natural England to assess biodiversity gains.
▪️ Conducted 5 external demonstrations of the biodiversity gains register.
What's Coming Next:
As we gear up for BNG's mandatory phase, get ready for:
▪️ Secondary Legislation: Statutory instruments on exemptions, irreplaceable habitats, the register, planning process, and more.
▪️ Case Studies: Real-world examples to illustrate BNG in action, showcasing its impact.
▪️ Comprehensive Guidance: A range of guidance topics to aid in habitat management, biodiversity net gain plans, and more.
▪️ Digital Tools: The credit sales service and biodiversity register will become operational.
Read more here: BNG: what’s happened and what’s coming next - Land use: policies and framework (