Breaking News! DEFRA's Statutory Biodiversity Credit Pricing Tiers Have Been Unveiled

But what is the difference between Statutory Biodiversity Credits and off-site Biodiversity Units? Statutory Biodiversity Credits serve as a last resort for developers who cannot implement on-site or off-site Biodiversity Units to meet biodiversity net gain requirements.

DEFRA's latest guidance is a wake-up call for developers to take proactive steps and plan their projects effectively.

Here at Biofarm, we've got some great news for developers! Our Biodiversity Units, offered at a competitive rate, are priced below the indicative Statutory Biodiversity Credits, giving you the opportunity to plan ahead and achieve significant savings.

If you are working on a project where delivery of BNG on-site is not viable, we can help you with off-site Biodiversity Units. Get in touch to explore how we can assist you in steering clear of additional costs tied to Statutory Biodiversity Credits.

Read more here: Statutory biodiversity credit prices - GOV.UK (


BNG: what’s happened and what’s coming next


The Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) deadline is fast approaching!